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Salted Slug

Every morning i am souring the milk into my coffee
and i am filled with yellow thoughts
i imagine the liquids that are hurting me, inside, orange,

It’s burning like salt upon a slug, Melting me, slowly, I am losing my form Just like the slug, I become fluid,
Once, I remember, I could produce electricity from my fingers,
Like anyone else, my body was vibrating,
And echoing outside

But now I am echoing towards myself, as if I am wrapped in a hard wrapping, So no vibration can go out,
And all the electricity stays inside Until I am electrifying myself

My body disappears like a slug under salt,
The bones are breaking inside and I feel my lungs getting holes,

I am lacking air,
I lost the delicacy in my fingers, I am losing control,
Melting, bleaching,
The salt upon the slug is like the life upon my body
I am disappearing.

הגוף שלי נעלם כמו חשופית במלח

העצמות נשברות לבפנים, הריאות מתחררות, חסר לי אויר

נמסה, מתחמצנת

המלח על החשופית זה כמו החיים על הגוף שלי

אני נעלמת

I am a drop of blood,
Drop of life,
I am melting into reality, melting into the speed outside, melting into rush of life, melting into work, melting into money, I am melting into reality,
And I am no longer myself like I was before.


I was watching you from above Looking at you I was finding my love I was, watching you

I was arriving to you from above
I was falling down softly into your love Watching you

I was waiting for you to arrive
I was waiting for you, to see you alive

I saw you coming closer to me
You paralyzed me and I fell on knees I was,

I was giving my power to you
I could no longer fly right above you I was, you

I was coming to tell you good-bye I was falling slowly, into your arms I was watching you


When I was a little girl,
I had lots of toys
I had teddy bears, stuffed animals,
I had board games and dolls.
But I had one special toy,
It was a see-through bubble (I don't know the names of these)
But whenever I took that bubble and I put it upside-down,
A beautiful snow would fall,
And would make the world that was inside, all white and perfect.
And inside that bubble, there was a small fence with a little gate
And behind it there were small houses (or shacks),
And on that little gate there was a small sign,
Talking about the concept of connection between work and liberation.
(I couldn’t understand it cause I was a little girl, it was something for Grown-ups, I guess...).

In those little houses lived the tiniest people,
It was hard to see, but there was a strange thing about them;

Each time I took that bubble and I looked inside

I could see those people were dying Every morning, there were dead people inside.
And when I looked good, I could tell,

those people were not dressed properly for an eternal snow...
It was stupid of them, cause if you're coming to this kind of place
Where snow's falling all the time, you should take a coat.

I’ve got toy, I’ve got magic bubble There was snow, it was a snowy bubble. Snowing ....

All the time
Magic....all around
But there are people, dying, everywhere But nobody........ cares.

(I had another toy, it was a train, but that's a different story)


Slowly, slowly, the ships will start to come back, (home)
Their light seems orange in front of the morning (that is soon to come)

Brings with it, another terrible end Discovering me.
The ships, the sound of the ships is suffocating me

Warming my body.
I am carried away,
Between the seagulls (their voices), echoing me,
Thousands of stars are taking me Under sweet water
Lighting in dark orange,
I am, dark, reflecting, on the water Drowning
I am giving myself to the water Under the ancients currents, Freezing
I am...forever.

From behind I hear the ships I will not hear them again Under the small currents

There is a world
Home becomes far from my ears I can't see him anymore
I am going to sleep

לקראת סוף הלילה שמעתי קול, ירדתי אל החוף לראות

נשים וילדים עוזבים את הבתים שלהם מפחד, הים נפתח לפני, אין כמו יפו בלילות


לאט לאט

יחולו הספינות לשוב הבייתה

אורם נראה כתום לאור הבוקר שמפציע

מביא איתו עוד סוף נורא

מגלה אותי 

אורות הספינות עוטפים אותי, חונקים אותי

מחממים את גופי

אני נופלת

קולות השחפים רודפים אחרי

אלפי כוכבים מנצנצים

מתחת לזרמים עתיקים, מתוקים

מאירים בכתום כהה

אני נסחפת, מתמסרת אל המים

כבדה, שוקעת עמוק לבפנים

מתחת לזרמים קטנים יש בטח עולם נפלא

מאחור אני רואה את בטן הספינות מתרחקות

שוב לא אשוב לכל מה שהכרתי קודם

עוזבת, מתמלאת מים, שוקעת

כאילו אבן תלויה לבטן שלי

מתחת לזרמים קטנים של מים 

יש עולם

ביתם עולה רחוק מאזני 

ואני לא רואה אותם

אני לא שומעת

עצמי את ענייך

So Soon

בין שקיעת השמש והולדתה מחדש

אני מחכה למגע של חמלה

יד מלטפת, יד מרחמת

חיוך של איש מאוהב

אבל ביני לבין זה יש תהום של פחד

אתה גם מחכה

צפייה, בכליון, למשב רוח עדינה

שמלטפת בפנים, מדגדגת בירכיים

בין האצבעות של הרגליים

אבל השרב כבד והאויר עומד

ואין הרבה חמלה אם כולם מחכים לה

בלב כבד שכמו נופל למטה

בתוכי אני שומעת משהו נשבר

זו רק ההתחלה

רוח רעה סותרת את שערותיי, מקפיאה את קרסוליי

משתקת את שריריי הידיים


Between the setting of the sun and its rebirth,
I am waiting for a touch of compassion A hand, a loving smile
But I’m afraid,
Are you waiting?
Waiting, impatiently, for a gentle wind That would pat my face, tickle my thighs,
And would play with my toes.
But the heat is heavy and the air stands There’s no much compassion if everybody's waiting for it
With a heavy heart that as if falling down,
Inside, I hear something's breaking This is only a beginning...
Bad wind is messing my hair,
Freezing my ankles, paralyzing my hands.

At the end of the night, when the sun will rise
I will not remember what I was waiting for.

בבוקר כשהיא תזרח

אני כבר לא אזכור למה חיכיתי כל הלילה

Nous Les Vivants (Première lettre aux Thessaloniciens, chapitre 14,13-18)

 Frères, nous ne voulons pas vous laisser dans l'ignorance au sujet de

ceux qui se sont endormis dans la mort ; il ne faut pas que vous soyez

abattus comme les autres, qui n'ont pas d'espérance. Jésus, nous le

croyons, est mort et ressuscité ; de même, nous le croyons, ceux qui se

sont endormis, Dieu, à cause de Jésus, les emmènera avec son Fils.


Car, sur la parole du Seigneur, nous vous déclarons ceci : nous les

vivants, nous qui sommes encore là pour attendre le retour du Seigneur,

nous ne devancerons pas ceux qui se sont endormis. Au signal donné par

la voix de l'archange, à l'appel de Dieu, le Seigneur lui-même descendra

du ciel, et les morts unis au Christ ressusciteront d'abord. Ensuite,

nous les vivants, nous qui sommes encore là, nous serons emportés sur

les nuées du ciel, en même temps qu'eux, à la rencontre du Seigneur.

Ainsi, nous serons pour toujours avec le Seigneur.


Retenez ce que je viens de dire, et réconfortez-vous les uns les autres.

You Wish

כשהכל יגמר ואני אתן את מה שיש לי לתת אם מישהו ירצה

רק אז אני אוכל לראות את האגם שלי שקט

בנתיים הם זורמים בתוכי,ללא הפסקה,

 מחיים את האורגניזם הזה

קודם המים הראשונים, נובעים בעדינות מדוייקת, טיפה, טיפה

הם בנימים שלי, שם הם בונים את הקצב

אחריהם מגיעים הנחלים המדהימים שזורמים בנינוחות בטוחה

מרב אושר חיוני הם מאיימים על הורידים שלי להתפקע

אחריהם אני שומעת את הרעש הגדול, המים האחרונים

you wish to wash yourself but you can’t

המפלים שלי בנפילתם האכזרית, 

שוברים סלעים, חוצים הרים, יוצרים גאיות עמוקים בתוכי

זורמים אל האגם שמחייה אותי באלימות

you wish to wash yourself but you can’t 

הכל התחיל בדירת ארבעה חדרים בתוך ההר

אם תרצה לבוא תגלה שהדרך חסומה 

סלע גדול הדרדר ואי אפשר לעבור 

ורק כשהמשחק יגמר (בהפסד יש לשאר)

רק אז, אולי

you wish to wash yourself but you can’t 

עכשיו, האגם שלי שקט

הרוח עזב, המים קרירים

בוא, תשטף בדם שלי

אני כבר לא פה, הלכתי,


Just Like We Said 

between the blossoming almond trees.

one eye is frozen,  like a desert of blue ice

one could fill a small ocean 

my dress sweats stains of longings.

the spring is here, these trees, and a dictator that  is losing his hair.

cant you feel it?

i made a lunch box so you don't even have to stay long.


we said the rice rains would shower us in spring

hurting me joyfully 

confusing our sight between the blossoming trees

you said my dress will be filled with happiness marks

but it is full with sweat 

i am waiting for you

the spring is here 

embrace it.

when would you embrace me?


gently, like never before

you will just take my hand softly, 

you will show me the beauty of it all

quietly we would stain the earth with our love

seed it with your power 

(sometimes i wander what would come up, from it

is it growing on a tree or a bush?

or maybe just a baby-flower.)


the white flower's rain has started

but i am not moving, waiting

the spring's almost finish

the guest will soon arrive

my eyes are getting tired,  i will not shut them

where are you?


when are you coming?

i am all ready

my hairs are whitening, 

my dress is dripping 

my eyes are drying 

the trees are naked 

the spring is gone

A Ray of Light / No bad Animals

From a complete silence, from a watery coziness,
From the finest place in the world,
A great shout is bursting into a messy white room,

And in one second I knew all there is to know,
I saw all countries and borders; I felt all rivers and oceans

And I saw all the houses of the world

And I recognized the way to my home, my room, to my bed.
In this split second I heard all the languages of the world

And I could speak my own if anyone asked me to, but no one did.
On that second I saw all the families of the world,

Parents and grandparents, sisters and brothers, uncles and aunts.
And I met my mother and my father, and my sister.

And on this second I knew all the names of the world,
Names of plants; trees and flowers; Names of animals; mammals and birds And all the names of the people; and I knew my own name.

And on the second after I forgot.
This is how I, like anyone else in this world, was born.
Through a magic moment between existence and forgetting,
And since then on I’m just trying to remember
How to live (how to laugh, how to love); Until the day we die we're just trying to remember everything we knew
The second we were born.

This is the darkest hour of the forest
you’re walking deeper and deeper into it, you know you’re not alone. Walking upon dry leaves you are bare feet and it hearts.
In the middle of the forest the night creatures are having a tea party they invite you over, you’re having a tea and a cake (gluten free).

Suddenly a ray of light is penetrating the forest, almost blinding you, you shut your eyes and when you open them back, the forest became a battle eld the night creatures are having a terrible war with the day creatures (apparently they’re having it every night there’s nothing you can do about it) they’re cutting each other and killing each other and there is blood everywhere. But then the morning comes, all creatures are gone and you could see the way out of the forest. Walking upon dry leaves and bloody, colorful pieces of creature’s wings. you are going home.

I’m afraid, afraid of life, of lights, afraid of people. So many people I have to justify myself in front of, friends and enemies. And I would like to live alone, in a house made of wood or stone. In the summer nights I would sit outside on my porch,

I would look at my garden (I would not be lazy to work on).

At winters, in front of the re I will listen to my music and read my books...

I don’t mind to have some companion, someone I can listen to, someone I can speak with, and then, I will not be afraid anymore.

Winter Family

I was born in the spring,
That’s why, it took me so long
To find my real family,
My true family,
My winter family.
We live between a raindrop and another one And when the glorious hills get green,
We go into long walks,
And sing in soft voices.
At nights,
Thousands of stars are sparkling in the sky And when it gets chilly outside,
We go into long walks,
Back to our home, (to our heart)
Where it’s warm,
We sing in soft voices.


 He lives in a middle of a great system of circles and rings, surrounding him, 360° around him and he could see them all, his eyes produce florescent light, reflecting no shadows breaking through walls and barriers. 

He sees their lines, their lives, down to the smallest particle. He divides the circles into cells, so it would be easier for him to build a hierarchy among them, he likes to watch them while they are doing their little wars.

Everybody get a share of the cake, but they all aspire for more, for a bigger space for a room under the sun.

He provides them with the simplest cell – 3meters and 50 cm, that’s the basic pack from then on the match begins towards a bigger space, by your importance, your power and strength the size of your room would be won for you – 7meters, 10meters and 50cm. 14meters, until the biggest cell – a 17meters and 50cm’s room just under the light of the sun up where the mention meets the sky, who ever gets there think he won the big prize not aware of the immense look of our modest hero.

He feels pity trying not to judge them and their pathetic little games of power, he knows their unawareness, he see them getting older and older, bigger and bigger, fatter and fatter, he likes to trick the biggest makes the wind blows up there in the sky, where this guy gets hysterical, small and frightened; he would never guess who is responsible for it, he would never guess there is a person in the middle of all this system of circles and rings, looking always at all of them, 360° and he see all.

They live by his time, red points of light dictating their time, second after second, their eyes are getting blurry, minute after minute, hour after hour, his heart conducting his time, days and nights. They have no idea how long have they been here,

and how long are they going to stay.

He knows all their gestures and habits, all their corners and curves and he knows when they go to sleep, he sees their eyes stop understanding, and he is ready for his daily round.

When they are all asleep he is cruising in those circles, the empty corridors are open for him, like his own soul, collecting their remains, their past and leftovers.

He collects old furniture, pieces of broken phones and fax machines, old chewing gums stuck under chairs, computers that no longer restart, and old messages glued to the walls, Or whatever lye there with no function. Underneath the ground he is building a castle, for years he is making it greater and more beautiful it’s golden wholes, and sparkling passages are probably the most magical a person could ever imagine, but no one ever saw it but him.

Around his castle he build a system of waterfalls

and river where the purest water stream in there.

And so he knows all their bits and manners but he never touched their water. 

New Sun

New sun,
Sparkles on top of little golden morning waves
New landscape reveals to your sight, lls you with fresh air,
An old land
Your porcelain and silver cutlery are left in your suitcase
It doesn’t belong here
Humbly, you’re covering yourself with the simplest clothes you can nd Trying to camou age yourself, but you cant
Smell the elds in the scorching sun
Learn the stones of the roads
Their language and their power
You’re adopting it like it was your own
You lost some roots and you’re gaining too high
Trying to invent a new you, unsuccessfully

Why are you being so hard?
Can’t you see, you didn’t build the house you live in? Why are you being so angry?
Don’t you remember?

Golden Sword

I was giving my heart to you
Giving my soul for you
I am, challenging you, my love
Giving you all
I gave you everything I have
Look, I gave you all
What would you want from me more? When would you give me some of yours?
So tonight I stop, tonight I’ll take what I deserve
I’m challenging you in the stormiest sea Each wave is as high as a building
I have a golden sword in my hands Twelve ships are waiting
In each ship five cannons bright and clean
In each ship ten soldiers are waiting to attack, you
Cause I was giving my heart to you And I was giving my soul to you
I am, challenging you, my love
I was giving you all

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